7 Steps to Secondary Abstinence: A Course for Parents with Sexually Active Teens

With the right support, advocacy, encouragement, and guidance, secondary abstinence is possible for adolescents who have a history of sexual activity. The strategies and exercises I have developed in my abstinence courses have helped my clients achieve great success, evidenced by the enthusiastic testimonials from educators and adolescents I have received.

With that in mind, I have created a new program just for parents “7 Steps to Secondary Abstinence” that teaches the benefits of abstinence and empowers parents to be their teen’s first educators in sexual health. As a certified teacher, consultant, and abstinence coach, I support my clients and their teens on the journey to secondary abstinence.  The strategies and support in this 7-step program empower parents to help their teens regain secondary abstinence and build the foundation for a new start in their sexual health in just seven steps..

Why Secondary Abstinence?

Secondary abstinence in abstinence-only sex education has gained popularity for its focus on helping sexually active adolescents regain the health benefits of abstinence. In the state of Texas, sex education has primarily focused on Abstinence-only education as the safest way to avoid sexual risks, but in recent years, this focus has drawn criticism regarding sustainability and its effectiveness. For these reasons, secondary abstinence has gained traction for its ability to support teens and adolescents by abstaining from sex, building healthy relationships that don’t include sexual activity, and developing during adolescence in a way that supports their overall health and well-being.

Although abstinence from sex has been around for centuries, and is a part of many cultures,  advocating for abstinence during adolescence is still very relevant today. My goal is to make an impact on young people by increasing the awareness of the benefits of abstinence and advocating for sexual abstinence in youth and young adults. 

The Experience You Need for the Results You Want

For 25 years, I have worked in Public Education, including teaching English & Language Arts in middle school and high school last 14 years, and Sexual Risk Avoidance Education for the last 6 years. My passion for secondary abstinence comes from my experience as an educator who witnessed many of my students be impacted by sexual activity during adolescence as well as my personal journey with teenage pregnancy and becoming a teen parent at 14 years old. I wanted to create courses for teens and parents that teach the benefits of abstinence for young people with no sexual experience, as well as courses that teach secondary abstinence for adolescents with a sexual history.  

Several schools, organizations, and other nonprofits have reached out to me for support in developing a curriculum that supports students, parents, and community leaders in sexual health and sexual risk avoidance because, regardless of popular opinion about “safe sex” initiatives and contraceptives, educators and medical experts agree that abstinence is the best and safest way to avoid sexual risk and for the overall health and well being of adolescents. 

While the abstinence-only curriculum provided in schools provides sexual health education for students, there are few sex education programs that focus on secondary abstinence specifically, and even fewer courses that are tailored to just parents. The 7 Steps to Secondary Abstinence course provides a safety net for parents with sexually active teens who need support and guidance with their conversations about sex and secondary abstinence in an appropriate but firm approach that fosters love and care for their teenagers.

The 7 Steps to Secondary Abstinence course offers a different approach to abstinence that can be accomplished effectively as well as achieve life-changing results for you and your teen in a short amount of time.

2022 Enrollment Begins June 27th

I look forward to working with you and your teen as you begin your journey to secondary abstinence. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. I am hoping to take that first step with you,
-Canetra Winn